Yesterday during our break, Ben and I decided to go exploring a bit. First, we strolled through the market which is always a blast. So many sights, sounds, and smells!! I could hang out there all day. We continued past the market and ran into the city zoo, if you can call it that. We walked the whole zoo, saw every animal they have in a total of 20 minutes. Yep, not that exciting. We continued our walk up the street to get a sneek peek at the temple being built here. It is due to open in September-November, after the presidential elections. The elections here are very controversial (even more so than at home). They have about 20 political parties that each have a canidate that runs. Appartently, the current president and his wife got a divorce so that she can run for president (its against the law for family of the president to run for election). It´s so corrupt that it doesn´t matter what the votes say, she is going to win. Anyway, back to the is beautiful. Very small compared to the ones in Utah, but beautiful! It was fun to see it crawling with construction workers. On the way back we heard sounds of a huge crowd going crazy in the local recreation center. Of course we had to check it out. It was a boy´s vollyball game between rival schools. The only way to explain what it was like is to compare it to a high school football game at home. They are serious about their vollyball. It was fun.

Going kookoo for coconuts!
This guy was so sad.
This is Ben inside the zoo. They had a ton of land that they treated more like a park than a zoo.
This freaked the crap out of me. We were seriously 2 feet away from him with nothing but a chain link fence between us! Dont let those bars fool you...he could easily fit between them and have me for lunch if he wanted.
We made friends with some people who run a Spanish school down here. They invited us to participate in their salsa dancing lessons last night.We figured it woudn´t hurt to give it a go. NOT Ben´s forte! It was still a good time. While we were there, I got signed up for Spanish classes! Yep, 15 hours a week, starting Monday. Even though I am mega determined to learn this language, pray for me!!
Love the pics of the temple! So white against the beautiful green background! I'm glad you guys are having fun!