Yep, we have moved locations! We decided it wasn´t worth paying the big bucks for living in a hotel so we moved in with Lily and her family (she offered). It will definitely be a louder and busier place then it was with just the two of us but well worth it. We love Lily´s family so much that the change wont be that difficult, for us at least-I can´t speak for them :) The only, real, real bad thing about this move is they have a scooter...........and they are letting Ben drive it. Now, in my opinion, Ben is not the greatest driver. On top of that, the way people drive here has me sure that something bad will happen. I try to not be paranoid but sometimes its hard. Ugh.
I have a nasty cold right now and approximately 5,000 bug bites from the nasty hotel bed. Gross, I know. Even though I am not in tip top shape, I absolutely love being here. If I don´t come home, you will know where to find me.
Don´t think I will have a chance to write tomorrow but want to wish everyone a HAPPY 4th of July weekend! Hope it rocks!
That is so fun you moved! I know how much you love that family, so it will be a blast! Good luck with the scooter stuff... Tell Ben to be super safe!! I can't believe it's almost time for you to come home. Hope you start feeling better soon!