Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pictures from last weeks adventures...

This is Almolonga. Isn´t this amazing?

Our guide, Mike, and me taking in the view.

This suckers were so big-this picture doesn´t do them justice.

Here are your prewashed vegetables everyone. I know you love the taste of fresh garbage.

It looks a lot colder here than it really was. I love this picture of the road disappearing into nothingness.

Half cow, half bunny! Look at those Dumbo ears!! I had never seen anything like it!

The beloved bus. This is before they added 5 more people. Not kidding. Don´t even ask me how the driver could see to his right. Just thinking about it gives me a stomache ache.

This is the Totonicpan market. Who wouldn´t want to buy colorful fabric from such a happy lady?
This is the main square in Toto. Nothing too fancy except that good looking foreigner.

These kids broke our hearts. They were the dirtiest little things I´ve seen. Their parents were nowhere to be found. We gave them some french fries-you should have seen their eyes light up.

Don´t ask me how we got here, but this is a look into the market from above.

This is the beginning of the rain. This is when it was still a light rain and we thought we would wait it out. (doesn´t it look like Ben has a great idea in this picture? haha)

This is what happens when you are impatient and dont wait it out....


  1. Those carrots are HUGE! What a great time you guys must be having there. Glad you're keeping us updated!

  2. You are hillarious! I LOVE that happy lady picture and the picture of you 2 sopping wet! Good stuff!
